General Index

This is a simple general index of the miscellaneous subjects of articles on this site. There are separate index pages for photographers, art (including cartoons and comics), stage plays (including ballets and operas), music and performance and movies, television and videos.


General historical overview: ads for housewives; ads for everyone; modern times

Axe men’s grooming social events (South Africa)


Chase and Sanborn coffee (1952)

The Chive (2020 Christmas Collection)

Coco de Mer (2015 campaign)

Diesel (2012 campaign)

God Hand (2006 video game promo)

Gucci (2003 campaign)

Honey Birdette (2017 Christmas campaign)


Lillefrekke (Norway)

Lynx deodorant (2005 Lynx Jet campaign)

Noir Leather (Detroit)

‘Sexist adverts’

Spanked E-Liquid (2015 campaign)

Tesco Computers for Schools (2004 promotion)

Zap window display (2000)

Books and Authors

Saul Bellow, Dangling Man (1944)

Anthony Berkeley, The Wychford Poisoning Case (1926)

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Classic Fiction

Edmund Crispin

Marian Gallaway, Constructing a Play (1950)

Berkeley Gray, Dare-Devil Conquest (1950)

Zane Grey

Historical romance novels

Hank Janson, Hell of a Dame (1960)

Jack Monmouth, Lonely, Lovely Lady (1956)

Romance novels

H. L. Saily’s Vampire novels

Salt Water Taffy by Corey Ford (1929)

Robert Louis Stevenson, The Black Arrow (1888)

Dare Wright, The Lonely Doll (1957)

Emile Zola, L’Assommoir (1877)

Characters and Personages



Angels and Demons

Beauty Queens

Bernie Brewer (Milwaukee Brewers baseball team mascot)



Brothers and Sisters and Siblings-in-Law

Cats (including Catwoman)

Celebrities (three-part article)




Doctors, including in spicy cartoons and romantic scenarios


Financial Services in spicy cartoons



Husbands and Wives, including marital tensions and their outcome; also in spicy cartoons

Krampus; also in art

Doutzen Kroes (2015)

Latin American Ladies

Masterful Television Heroes



Mothers and Fathers and the associated problems


Older Women

Plus-Sized Women

Policemen, including in spicy cartoons

Psychiatrists, including in spicy cartoons



Royalty in fiction and history

Sailors, including in spicy cartoons

The Saint, Simon Templar

Santa Claus: history; Photobooths; Santa Baby promo (Bruno); Santa Have Mercy music video; Santa Skipped My House music videoSanta Spanks the Naughty Vampire Girl; sexual politics; Fake Santas; Santa’s journeys in 2006, 20072008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 20142015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023; Naughty List Addenda (six-part article)

Hans Scheike


Secretaries; also in spicy cartoons and in recent times

Servants; also in spicy cartoons


Soldiers, including in spicy cartoons

Spoiled Heiresses (two-part article)




Women Drivers; also in spicy cartoons

Events and Festivals

Bathoryckina Festival (Cachtice, Slovakia): general article; 2015 update

No Pants Subway Ride: 2014; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; no event in 2021

Obscene Extreme Festival


Photoshoot (Scheveningen, 2011)

Rock Concerts


Folk Customs

Birthday Spanking; also in spicy cartoons

Deres (Slovakian tourist attraction)

Fricassée (Provençal folk dance)


Pasowanie and more pasowanie

Pomlazka and other spring customs; roundup from 2019; the pandemic of 2020 and 2021; 2022, 2023; also onstage in 2018; sexual politics; traditional Czech costume

Schuhplattler (German folk dance)


Abelard and Heloise (12th century)

Frances Alda spanks Marie Gabriel (1924)

George Cauthen spanks Barbara Jean Floyd (1949)

‘Caveman’ spanking

Betty Ann Colapietro (1949)

Roberta Eike (1956)


French Revolution

Douglas Haven spanks Shirley Ellison (1956)

Sandra Hilder (1967)

Judge Walter L. Kimmel (1940)

Lady Portman Spanked by the Gardener (1964)

May/December Wedding (1983)


Newspaper Correspondence (Troy, NY, 1951)

Pre-1920 spanking: punishment and kink

Queen Victoria and the Boer War

Sue Chapman (1942)


Texas Garment Workers’ Strike (1935)

World War 2

Imagery and Narrative

Age-Related Boundaries: ‘too old to be spanked’; ‘old enough to be spanked’; visual conventions; the teenage hinterland and the associated ethical issues

Asexual spanking scenes

Bare-bottom spanking: avoided in the mainstream, but not in France


The British class system

Changing norms in spanking scenes: punishment and sex-play


European spanking: skirts and no skirts


F/F Spanking; also in spicy cartoons


The Fourth Wall

‘Gender Confusion’ Spanking

Handover: parental to matrimonial

Hard spanking and its after-effects

Health Farms

Historical settings: antiquity and earlier, medieval, early and later modern

Implement spanking: cultural and practical rationale; improvised implements, including domestic and outdoor objects, and also clothing and accoutrements; hairbrushes (also on screen); principles of selection; purpose-built implements


Kicking off shoes

Left-Handed spankers

‘Measuring’ spanking; also in cinema

Modern stories: making erotica; punishment enjoyed; sexual misunderstandings by participants and observers

Panty Spanking (mainstream); life versus media; color; unexpected and deliberate panty exposure; also in Germany and Austria and the rest of continental Europe

Positions: Over the Knee; Over the Saddle; Over the Shoulder; ‘Sous le Bras’ (under the arm)

Protective Hands

Public Spanking

Raised-skirt spankings in historical settings, and the risk of underwear anachronism, both contemporary and period

Red Bottoms and non-literal alternatives

Science Fiction

Spanking porn (critique)

Story structure: cause; objective; effect



Time Travel

Viewing Angles


World Cultures

‘You Wouldn’t Dare’

Language and Philosophy

Consensus v. Consent (in relation to the cultural change from the mid-20th century to now)


The Male Gaze

Nonliteral Spanking

‘Old-fashioned spanking’ (phrase)

Play (verb, misused)

Public art v. private fetish

‘Spankable’ (word)

Terminology: ‘smacking’ and ‘spanking’

Universalizing Spanking

Vanilla Spanking

Nightclubs and Other Venues

Bad Dog (Sydney)

Big Bang Boom Cabaret (Orlando, Florida, since 2011)

Boudoir Bizarre (Amsterdam, since 2005)

Chameleon Nightclub (Southend-on-Sea, England)

Club Area 51 (Salt Lake City, Utah)

FreQ (Providence, Rhode Island, 2012-14)

Knoebels Amusement Resort (Elysburg, Pennsylvania)

Love (Broadbeach, Queensland, since 2005)

Noir Fetish Ball (Vancouver, 2011-16)

Reform School (Phoenix, Arizona, 2012-14)


Ritual (Atlanta, Georgia)

School Disco (London, 1999-2011)

Sin City Fetish Night (Vancouver, since 2001)

TRASH! (New York, 2003-14)

Uniun (Toronto)


Apolitical spanking

Censorship: the Lord Chamberlain

Vicky Davila (political journalist, Colombia)

FEMEN Sexual Harassment Protest (Kiev, Ukraine, November 16, 2009; four-part article)

Bobbi Fiedler tests the school paddle (1979)

Governor Hoff spanks Representative Collins (1966)

Illiberal Politics

Liberal Values and Compromise

Satire and Cartoons: France; Brazil; Europe; USA

‘Spankathon’ Protest (Manchester, UK, March 1, 2015)

Spanking Phobia

Toxic Feminism (as distinct from the feminism that stands for common decency): Creative Women; Easter Monday Customs; Female Masochism; Kiss Me Kate; Santa Claus; Women’s Sport; Parallels with Sado-Masochism

Social Behavior


Backstage spanking (Most, 2016)

Candid photography; also with statues

Cosplay, more Cosplay, even more Cosplay, and, yes, Cosplay again and again


Disliking spanking scenes

Female spanking fantasy in fiction and fact

Fessée Challenge

France 2012 Poll

Fun spanking


Historical Reenactment

Holiday Cards

‘Illogical’ Sexual Tastes




Romantic relationships


School spanking: controversial and playful

Selfie photography

Weddings: Games in Eastern Europe; Czech Republic, 2019

Women’s sport

3 thoughts on “General Index

  1. Lisa Tep says:

    I recently followed a link to your page that showed a girl in a ballet tutu getting spanked on her panties while standing on a stairway. The movie was “Die..(something) Manchen” or something like that. Can you point me to the page where you discussed that?

    Love the site!!!



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